Amazing Media Coverage of the NCCR SuperSingle


Remember how last week we launched the NCCR SuperSingle? No? Then do your homework and read everything here!

Turns out – it’s not only us who love the idea of a helicon-based 165kg (dry weight) / 70 HP rugged Long-Distance Travel Enduro. The SuSi, as we jokingly call it in-house, has already travelled across the world. At least digitally!

The German based MOTORRAD was first to spread the news and dub the dummy conrod a “Geisterpleuel”, a ghost conrod. This has been the source of a couple of funny auto-translate articles on smaller websites. One of the first English speaking media to publish about the SuperSingle was We were happy here and did not expect what would come next:

We are amazed and incredibly proud to announce that not only has MCN covered our project on, but there will also be a printed article in the next paper version! We are beyond humbled and excited for this opportunity and are working hard to realise this engine as soon as possible.

The news have further spread to in Italy, in Spain, in Norway, and even in Thailand.

Writing this, I know that Jens has been in touch with Canadian Adventure Rider for a longer interview that should be published soon enough.

In summary, we at NCCR are incredibly happy and thankful for the great interest and feedback we have experienced this past week and are working on it – full speed ahead!